My goal was to capture the beauty of the rose garden with non-traditional shots.
Day 20 in Rose Garden Canberra, Australia
by Cheryl-Ann Webster | Nov 3, 2015 | Travel
At the rose garden I wanted to capture the beauty in a less than traditional manner... let me know what you think. Behind the face of beauty is strength
A rose knocked down still blooms beautifully
A rose weathered by a storm still smells as sweet
Standing out among the popular roses
Reaching beyond the crowd to grow in your own style
Reaching higher than the rest
Seemingly fragile blooms have thorns to protect them
Returning to mother earth after delivering such joy
Opening fully
A corsage created by Mother Nature
Cloud white
The leaves normally get ignored but without them there would be no bloom
Not all follow status-quo
Taking a different perspective to admire what is ignored
Red? No. Burgundy? YES!
Lighting up a cloudy day
Like silver haired beauty, the faded rose shares her wisdom.
Creating Confetti
Each petal holds the next, embracing ones worth
The rain that nourishes also stains her petals
Laid upon the branch that birthed her
Admiring her sisters, sharing the glory
As we bloom we teach others so they can take the space when we pass